Monday, May 07, 2007

All Aboard the Steamboat

Yum! It had been quite some time since I enjoyed a delicious Chinese meal at the Cheung family household, which is nestled deep within the suburbia of my hometown (Brisbane), and on my recent visit home I was able to once again enjoy an afternoon of steamboat.

A few years ago I lived with my very dear friends Wah and Man (who are twins) for a little while when I first moved out of home, and some of my fondest memories are of the heavenly authentic Chinese meals which they would cook for me. It opened my eyes to what I had been missing out on, and most certainly this education would make for slower business with my previously favoured Chinese takeaway restaurant. Our kitchen was always perfumed with Chinese five spice chicken, bubbling buoyant dumplings or some kind of seafood steaming sensation on the stove.

It had been over a year since my last Cheung family meal and I couldn't get to that house fast enough! Man had the day off work and in typical fashion he had organised a large variety of ingredients to be sacrificed in our bubbling pot of liquid stock. His parents were both home this day and joined us at the table for the feast of beef, mushrooms, chicken, prawns, tofu, sauces and vegetables. Mrs Cheung's astute sense of humour and (certainly for me) her laugh kept us all entertained, it's indescribable but highly contagious and more than makes up for any language barriers. After watching Man single handedly finishing off every last morcel of food on the table and then rubbing his taut round belly we cleared away the evidence and during this process I couldn't help but marvel at the bulging contents of their fridge! On top of this Mrs Cheung had been busy earlier that day making dozens of wontons and their freezer was also positively crammed with many trays of the results.

Mumma Cheung helping with preparations. Look at that gas bottle! Steamboat is serious business

These dainty white stalks are a variety of mushroom! And check out that fridge....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i still haven't eaten since that day. but i am in labour and will be giving birth to a steam boat boy anytime soon. you are the mother ash...